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Friday, November 24, 2006


The POP Music: "Cause you feel like dancing"

The POP Singer: NOT John Mayer...essa semana ele tá de castigo!!!

The POP Band: U2 ( Sempre!)

The POP Book: Still not reading ... shame on me ( shame on us Vivi!)

The POP Magazine: People

The POP word: AFF

The POP Movie: Jerry Maguire ( Eu amo esse filme)

The POP Actress: Katie Holmes ( Essa semana ela tá podendo!)

The POP Actor: Jake Gyllenhaal ( Porque ele é POPderoso)

The POP TV Show: Friends (Porque Lost tá de férias)

The POP City: NYC

The POP Place: Home Sweet Home

The POP Food: Arroz e Feijão

The POP Dessert: Sorvete!

The POP Drink: Mate Leão

The POP website: MySpace

The POP "Attitude": Get up, Stand up

The POP "must wear": Sandália

The POP of the Week: Katie Holmes (now Kate Cruise): She did it!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


...Mas como eu sou POP...

RockYou FXText - Get Your Own



The POP Music: Lua de Cristal ( Da Xuxa...pq sonho sempre vem pra quem sonhar, só basta acreditar!)
The POP Singer: John Mayer (Pq ele eh MUITO Pop)
The POP Band: U2 ( sempre)
The POP Book: The Da Vinci Code - Porque é o meu favorito!
The POP Magazine: People: A lista dos mais sexys do mundo...SANTORO em 12º!!!
The POP word: Believe
The POP Movie: Piratas do Caribe ( Orlando é POP)
The POP Actress: Lauren Graham ( porque eu amo a Lorelai!)
The POP Actor: Rodrigo Santoro
The POP City: NYC
The POP Place: Central Park porque é outono!
The POP Food: Chinese!
The POP Dessert: Chocolate (barra, mousse, sorvete...who cares!?)
The POP Drink: Coca Light
The POP website:
The POP "Attitude:" Be you.
The POP "must wear": Polo Shirts
The POP of the Week: Rodrigo Santoro! Nao sei se e verdade...mas parece que fica em LOST por mais 3 anos! HOPE SOOOOO!

Sunday, November 12, 2006




Como combinado com as minhas amigas "Pops", aqui vai a minha lista POP da semana...

The POP Music: You were mean for me - Jewel

The POP Singer: JOHN MAYER!!!

The POP Band: U2

The POP Book: Tenho que tomar coragem e começar Anjos e Demônios que está na minha cabeceira a muito tempo!

The POP Magazine: US Weekly ( Eu sei, mais cultura inútil tb é POP)


The POP Movie: The Sisterhood of travelling pants

The POP Actress: Meryll Streep

The POP Actor: Rodrigo Santoro!!! Lindoooo em LOST todas as quartas!

The POP TV Show: LOST!!!

The POP City: NYC ... Always!

The POP Place: Central Park

The POP Food: Cheeseburguer

The POP Dessert: Cheesecake (NYC Style! lol)

The POP Drink: Johnny+Guarana! Woo Hoo!!!

The POP website: MySpace

The POP "Attitude": Be smart!

The POP "must wear": All Star

The POP of the Week: Britney Spears! (Deu um PNB no K-FedEX por Text )

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Quem é você na Ilha de LOST????

Para os fãs da série, achei esse teste que é bem legal.

You scored 67% kindness, 39% courage, 7% seedy past, and 38% secretiveness!

"Don't talk to me about the baby. I'm sick of everyone telling me what to do."

You are Claire. You are a very kind and caring person. You're not the bravest on the island, but you will stand up for yourself when the need arises. Compared to the other survivors, you have a pretty clean past and you're open and honest about most things. It's a good thing, too - Turniphead needs you to be nurturing and caring in order for him to grow up and NOT become the antichrist. Luckily, Charlie seems more than happy to assist you.

Your polar opposite is: Sawyer. You are similar to: Charlie and Sun.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 56% on kindness

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You scored higher than 41% on courage

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You scored higher than 2% on seedy past

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You scored higher than 28% on secretiveness
Link: The Which Lost Character Are You Test written by ack_attack on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Horóscopo Chinês

Como pode um horóscopo te definir tão bem...

Coelho (Tú)

A espiritualidade do Coelho é tão intensa que o expõe a um constante conflito com o mundo material em que vive. Para evitar sofrimento, se esconde. Na companhia de uma pessoa forte, que o obrigue a se posicionar com firmeza, o Coelho, porém, revela seu interior rico e extremamente sensível ao artístico e ao belo. Viagens, que adora fazer, são os únicos momentos em que o Coelho se permitir ser extrovertido.

As mulheres deste signo, que costumam ser vistas como dependentes e indecisas, são muito mais hábeis do que os homens para enfrentar situações da vida.

Impulsivo e muito exigente quanto à ética e à justiça, demonstra, sem hesitar, seu desagrado com as coisas, mesmo não verbalizando isso. Por ser detalhista e minucioso, o Coelho se dá bem em profissões que exijam essas habilidades.

VIRTUDES: religiosidade, tendendo ao misticismo e à mediunidade, capacidade de renúncia e de sacrifícios, bondade, fé e piedade. Altamente espiritual

DEFEITOS: tendência a se entregar ou a se anular pela passividade e pelo acanhamento. Timidez extrema e a infidelidade como manifestação de revolta

SAÚDE: sistema digestivo e respiratório. Sensíveis nos seios e no estômago


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

NYC Girl...

Native New Yorker

New York style, style, style
New York city, New York city girl
New York city, New York city girl
You grew up ridin' the subways,
Runnin' with people up in Harlem, down on Broadway
You're no tramp, but you're no lady talkin' that street talk
You're the heart and soul of New York city
And love, love is just a passing word
It's the thought you had in a taxi cab that got left on the curb
When he dropped you off at East and the Third

Oh, oh, oh
You're a native New Yorker
You should know the score by now
You're a native New Yorker

The music plays, everyone's dancin' closer and closer
Makin' friends and findin' lovers
There you are lost in the shadows, searchin' for someone
To set you free from New York City

And oh, where did all those yesterdays go
When you still believed love
Could really be like a Broadway show
You were the star, when did it close?

Oh, oh, oh
You're a native New Yorker
No more hope is the door
For a native New Yorker
Oh, oh, oh
You're a native New Yorker
You should know the score by now
You're a native New Yorker

New York city, New York city girl
New York city, New York city girl